Prices and Booking!

Pura Vida Mountain Bike Tours

Prices and timing!
Pura Vida Mountain Biking tours: Pick up from Grecia and transportation to where we ride! The tree categories include: T-shirts, Fruits and snack  breaks, and  Hydrants!

For One day tours click here: Pura vida one day tours
These are the half of day tours:

1. Beginners: 2h $40

2. Intermediate:  3h, $45

3. Advance: 5h $50

4. Only for intermediate and advanced levels, we have a trip to Poas Volcano, visit the crater, and come down hill through off road trails, in the cloud forest of the slopes of the volcano, see the waterfall, and springs on the way down! all of this for $80 with a minimum of 2 people if are in Grecia area, if not, there is a minimum of 3 people for other central valley areas! check it with us to see if the pick up can be done!

For booking a tour or more information please e-mail us at or call us (506)8711-1221

Only previously booked!